Summary Profile
Jack Beam - MAS, MAAA, CEPA
Senior Managing Director
P: 800-816-9630 x 754

Jack spent most of his career with Johnson & Higgins and its consulting subsidiary, Foster Higgins. While in the Dallas office of Foster Higgins, he served on the Actuarial Policy Committee of Foster Higgins and was the Retirement Plan Consulting Practice Leader for the South Central Region. In that position, he was responsible for a staff of 14 employees and annual revenues of more than $5.0 million. Most recently, he was responsible for the delivery of retiree medical plan actuarial valuations compliant with GASB 43 and 45 for more than 100 governmental clients in Texas and South Carolina. He has also held management positions with an exit planning firm and business brokerage firm in the Dallas area.
Jack has helped plan sponsors and retirement boards, in the public and private sectors, in publishing, in healthcare, and in finance, with plan design, plan funding, and plan administration issues. Jack’s plan design experience includes early retirement windows, non-qualified plans for executives, and conversions from defined benefit to defined contribution plans. Specific projects include:
- Retirement plan terminations for 2 large healthcare providers and a large construction company in Texas. Tasks included government filings, the creation of communications material, focus group meetings with employee groups, and board level presentations.·
- Redesign of retirement plans for 2 major state universities. Tasks included multiple presentations to faculty groups, nondiscrimination testing, and cost determination.·
- Completion of due diligence reviews of possible acquisitions for large bank holding companies. Tasks included reviews of both the financial and nonfinancial impact of the mergers.·
- Retirement plan redesign for a small financial organization to maximize benefits for highly compensated employees within non-discrimination guidelines.·
- Delivery and presentation of GASB 43 and 45 reports to governmental boards and councils with emphasis on understanding accounting terminology and the impact that the new rules have on financial reporting.
Master of Arts - Actuarial Science - Georgia State University
Bachelor of Science - Mathematics - The University of West Georgia
CEPA (Certified Exit Planning Advisor) - Exit Planning Institute
Associate of the Society of Actuaries
Member of the American Academy of Actuaries