The Exit Planning Institute is pleased to announce the newest addition to the EPI Alliance Partner Network: PMI Advisors (PMI), a firm working alongside wealth advisors, investment bankers, accounting firms, legal firms, and others to help retiring Baby Boomer Business-Owners prepare their companies for sale, while assisting in operational improvements along the way.
Unique to the EPI network, PMI stays strictly focused on business operations. Positioned to augment you as the trusted advisor (not displace), PMI drives enterprise improvements that prep the business for a successful sale while looking to the Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA) managing the engagement to lead the personal, wealth, and financial vision for the owner. Knowing that advanced enterprise operational knowledge and expertise can be challenging, PMI employs 40 team members and experts across a wide spectrum of business functional areas.
As a new partner in the network, Dan Bradbary, founder of PMI Advisors, and Jack Beam, Senior Managing Director, joined us for a virtual broadcast on March 6, 2019 to answer questions and present how their Deal Readiness® Methodology fits into value acceleration, how their team works with advisors like you to drive immediate business improvements that can ensure a successful sale and showcases unique areas of specialty (including operations, technology, human resources, manufacturing and marketing to name a few) that complement your advisory services.