Summary Profile


Managing Director



Alan has worked with numerous companies as a software provider, a KPMG partner, a corporate executive, and a private equity (PE) executive.  Fortune 500s, startups, bankrupt companies or their residual assets, and government institutions benefit from Alan’s ability to identify key issues quickly and implement appropriate solutions for transformational success.

He combines his formal education and firsthand knowledge of finance, accounting, and IT systems for the improvement of business operations across five industries (consumer products, manufacturing, telecommunications, high technology, and entertainment) of the USA, Europe, and Japan.

He has pioneered and led many enterprise-wide financial systems implementations, beginning with Oracle’s earliest releases of its financial and manufacturing software to the present with the latest cloud-based accounting and business applications.  He continues to be instrumental in the development of associated implementation methodologies for (1) the “campaign-to-cash” process and (2) the adaption and adoption of business practices that greatly improve business profitability, efficiency, and effectiveness.  Alan works to optimizes IT cost management through the conversion of fixed costs to variable costs and reduced Capex with the objective of creating “zero footprint IT” utilizing cloud technology.

Alan is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and a Certified Global Management Accountant (CGMA). In addition, he is a Board Governance Fellow of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) and holds a CERT Certificate in Cybersecurity from NACD and Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute.


DBA, Business and Information Technology (Candidate), University of North Carolina – Charlotte
MS, Accounting, The American University, Washington, DC
MPA, Public Financial Management, The American University, Washington, DC
BS, Finance, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Cost Global Management Accountant (CGMA)
Board Governance Fellow, National Association of Corporate Directors
CERT Certificate in Cybersecurity, National Association of Corporate Directors and Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute


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